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Tag: dwi traffic stop

Third Court of Appeals Affirms Trial Court’s Granting Suppression in DWI Case

Motion to suppress in DWI case affirmed by appellate court In an opinion released this week the Third court rejected the state’s argument that the trial court erroneously granted the defense’s motion to suppress in DWI case. This case is another good example of why a trial court’s findings, specifically credibility findings, are often the lynch...

driving while intoxicated, dui, dwi, dwi arrest, dwi case, dwi traffic stop, motion to suppress, reasonable suspicion, Third Court of Appeals

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Recent Third Court of Appeals Opinion on Reasonable Suspicion in a DWI Case

The majority of Driving While Intoxicated cases involve a stop for a traffic offense but sometimes law enforcement can get creative. No matter the alleged reason, an officer must have reasonable suspicion to stop your vehicle. If an illegal stop leads to a DWI arrest, in most cases, whatever evidence collected cannot be used against you. In a...

driving while intoxicated, dui, dwi, dwi traffic stop, reasonable suspicion, Third Court of Appeals

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