DWI Offenses

DWI Attorney in New Braunfels, TX
An experienced DWI trial lawyer is essential to protecting your rights.
Even a first DWI can be costly. If you are convicted on a first DWI, you will be obligated to pay court costs, fines, probation fees, restitution for blood alcohol testing, surcharges to keep your license, and some offenses even require the installation of an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. A first DWI also requires a minimum of 72 hours in the county jail.
It is important to have a knowledgeable attorney working for you from the very start. A person arrested for DWI should be given notice from the arresting officer that their license will be suspended if they refuse to give a sample of their breath or blood. A person then has only 15 days to request a hearing or their license will be suspended 40 days after the arrest.
Because DWI cases typically involve multiple legal issues, mistakes are often made by law enforcement. These issues include the officer’s reason to stop, arrest, and whether to obtain a search warrant to seize a sample of your blood. These issues are also frequently litigated throughout the state, and small changes to case law can mean big changes to your case. Keeping up to date with case law can mean the difference between a costly conviction and your case being dismissed.
Daniel Palmitier has extensive trial experience with all levels of DWIs including Intoxication Assault and Intoxication Manslaughter. As a former Comal County prosecutor for 10 years, Daniel is also familiar with the common mistakes law enforcement and prosecutors make in these types of cases. In addition to his trial experience, Daniel also has briefed many legal issues involved with these cases before the Third Court of Appeals. As a result, he is thoroughly knowledgeable with what defense strategy is best for your case.